Share Information

Trading Fungibility

Valeura’s common shares are traded in Canada on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol VLE and in the United States on OTCQX under the symbol VLERF.

Shareholders who purchased Valeura interests on the Company’s legacy London Stock Exchange listing (suspended as of April 28, 2022 and cancelled on July 14, 2022) are advised that the Company’s UK depositary interest service remains active, meaning UK shareholders can continue to hold interests in Valeura shares.  To access trading liquidity for Valeura shares, these investors may wish to transfer their holdings to the Canadian depositary, which will enable trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange.  These shareholders are advised to contact their broker or nominee should they wish to initiate the transfer process. 

Registrars, Agents, and Advisers

Canada Transfer Agent

Valeura’s Canada transfer agent and registrar is Computershare Investor Services Inc.  Queries regarding Valeura shares may be directed to Computershare Investor Services at 1 800 564 6253 (toll free in North America), +1 514 982 7555 (outside North America), or online at  Broker inquiries may be directed at 1 888 838 1405 (toll free in North America), or +1 514 982 7635 (outside North America).

United States Transfer Agent

Valeura’s United States transfer agent is Computershare Trust Company, N.A. Queries regarding Valeura shares traded on OTCQX and/or settled in the United States may be directed to Computershare Trust Company, N.A. via their website .

UK Registrar

Valeura’s UK registrar is Computershare Investor Services PLC.  Brokers and Nominees seeking guidance on the UK-Canada transfer process may contact the Broker and Nominee helpline on +44 (0) 906 999 0000.

Financial Adviser and Corporate Broker

Auctus Advisors LLP
Jonathan Wright
+44 (0) 7711 627 449